©2008 R.E. Rothstein, All Rights Reserved



A Better Approach to Risk Management For Banks
and Mortgage Backed Securities Investors

Updated 12/16/08

To Mortgage Lenders, MBS Investors & Banking Industry Regulatory Agencies,

As the real estate and mortgage banking industries head through their most difficult period in decades, please consider the solutions to more effective risk management discussed in the presentations linked below:

Flash version - MSI & CRS Risk Management Tools (please turn on your computer's speakers & allow a minute to download)

MS PowerPoint version - MSI & CRS Risk Management Tools (please allow 30 seconds for broadband download, turn on your computer speakers, requires Internet Explorer browser, click off the "Outline" button at the bottom left of your screen, then click on "Slide Show" ... 14 well spent minutes)

These tools can be used to:
* build an accurate residential mortgage risk lending matrix,
* accurately forecast 3 to 5 year risk/return scenarios for mortgage investors and large scale developers,
* screen asset/loan portfolios targeted for acquisition or sale.

Rapid implementation of an effective and credible risk management remedy will be a critical element in minimizing both the duration and the cost of this market correction.

I can be reached in my Seattle office via the phone number below to discuss these research and consulting services and welcome your inquiry.


Robert E. Rothstein
206-525-7267 Seattle, WA

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